Thursday, May 5, 2011

Desert Tales Cover

Well this was the first cover was I was working on. I like to work under the name of Circuits. I think it has a cool ring to it. Anyway, the picture is of an area from where I live. And since the area that from where my home town is desert, I thought it would be meaningful and creative at the same time. What do you think? You like it? Hate it? Anything you would like to change?

Also: I have added a new member to the blog to help with comments and such. So if you get a comment from a person who isn't me, but leads you back to my blog...that's the new member.

Good Luck and Godspeed.


  1. its nice, maybe the red could have more depth

  2. I always love your pictures, great job!

  3. This is such a fun blog. I love it. This is too funny. Keep it up.

  4. I like it, but the red does clash a bit with the rest of it, maybe a lighter tone?

  5. focused on "circuits." can't get over how cool that is.

  6. the title should be more important than the author.

  7. looks great.. mb a little more black and a little less red in the bottom

  8. One could say that the red clashes a lot, but on the other hand, it stands out and invites you to read as well.

    Seems neat
