Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Desert Tales: Cactus Hugs

The pins and needles will soon fade.
It's the best way to fight with pain.
Stick around, wonder aimless bound,
to the desert path, that always led to a mess.

(Honest eyes are so hard to compare)
All these eyes, have a blank stare.

People will always be a bother and bug, so send away with them,
cast them astray, nothing gets rid of the pain like a cactus hug.

Stay out of the heat, when the sun rays shine,
only look up, when you want to be blind.
By all things around this place, the only thing that remains,
is the sour sweat on your face.

Just look around you, what do you see, an empty land to set you free;
you're not alone, don't be afraid.
There is no one around, but dried up memories remain.

You travel as far as the horizon;
a drifter, a loner, a solitude ghost,
make your way to these haunting towns.
No where to turn, nowhere is found, in here, you're just another frown.

Pacing forward through sand and mountains,
but I am continuing a deserted cycle.
People will always be a bother and bug,
so send away with them, cast them astray,
nothing makes you forget the pain like a cactus hug.

(Honest eyes are so hard to compare)
All these eyes, have a blank stare.

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